
Showing posts from November, 2021


What are Stars? Definitions vary per person but if I was asked, I would say they are very tiny, shiny and glowing things.They are God's beautiful creation, making the sky very beautiful at night. I stargaze at times and there is no doubt that they are truly very beautiful and appealing to the eyes. Okay, there are stars that shine brighter than others but they are all on the sky. The difference is; the actual brightness of the star & the actual distance of the star. If one is close then it very bright but others, since they are far from our eyes, are not that bright. And that's the difference there kinda dim.  According to human nature, we see things with our physical eyes rather than our inner eyes;that's the spiritual part. And today I'll be happy to share with you the little I know. I hope this will help you understand how God wants you to see things, how He wants you to understand Him and His purpose in your life. We all have a star in our lives,but ...


We all have a chapter in our lives that we don't read out loud. The other side of our lives,the bad things we've done, the ups and downs. Some have had very tough life, tried to committee suicide, others have been raped, others infected with AIDs/STIs. A Life full of pain,anger which makes you want to revenge,makes you regret,makes you cry trying to find a solution. This memories are so painful that some of the people end up committing suicide,they have no friends to share with what they are going through,some have been stigmatized,to unextend they cannot feel safe with others. And that brings the question. How many of your friends will you call late night at around 3am and ask for help and you are sure that first thing they will answer your call? Secondly,would they help you? It's good to know the people around you. Opening a new chapter and writing a new story in our lives,means; you stick to the ones that stick to you. At times we have to make very hard deci...


Have you ever done something that you truly regret and you wish you could have another chance to rectify,or rather make things right? At some point in life we make mistakes,wrong decisions,connect ourselves with wrong people and end up regretting. You had a lover broke his or her heart never apologized. Mistakes are part of our lives but let us never learn from our own mistakes rather from others. Well am here to tell you that there's a solution,a solution that will change your life forever. And the only solution in God,who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above your expectations. The creator of the universe and everything in it. He is Mighty, God of many chances. God who listens to your problems,cries and He is ready to help,for He never sleeps nor slumbers. It doesn't matter what you have done,how many time you have done it,God will always grant you chances to rectify your mistakes,till you get back on track.  For Jesus came to save and restore lost sheep. You...


POWER ON EARTH IS NO POWER IN HEAVEN When I saw this picture, allot came into my mind. Money,power,pride. Wondering if some people will ever see heaven! Having a boss at your working place,or someone who things that he/she owns Everytime shouting at you,making your life uncomfortable, dectator, making you work extra hours, making you feel like your a loser. The kinda people with hate, discrimination, pride in that you are never at peace. Now here is a big challenge for you. How would you feel if one did the same to you? What if you had nothing,money,power? We came on earth bearing nothing and we shall return with nothing. Let not power,money,wealth,your living Standard make you discriminate anyone. Because not even a single penny will make you see or inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. I have not been to heaven before but if you look at the picture 👆 clearly,the woman is very angry because her name is not on the list. Which means whatever you do to others will be also done to y...


YOU CAN MAKE IT We all have that thing that hinders us from getting to our dreams or rather we are bonded to slavery kind of thing. It might be Love, poverty, bankruptcy, adultery, Sin, depression and many more. But to the look of things it depends on how you face your problems, because I believe no problem that can't be solved. The people who surround us, are they of importance in our life? Coz I bet you have to weigh down what keeps you from flying. My point is, it can be your friends, family members, boyfriend/girlfriend or your work place that keep you from archiving your goals, but again it all starts from you from your mind. If you do not stand with your principles, you will definitely never ever make your own decisions. For instance, you have friends that consume alcohol or any type of drug, then your so confident saying that your friends influenced you to start using them. Did either of the friends force it in your mouth? sometimes it's good to use our brain...