
Showing posts from December, 2021


Proverbs 18:24  A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Let me get straight to the point,we all say and also do have friends. But how worth is the friendship? Are your friends willing to be with you at all times,the ups and downs? I'd rather have few Friends that are willing and am also willing to sacrifice everything for rather than having "Friends". There only there because you have something that they want, something that is making you become there friend. But immediately you loose that thing,they also disappear. What do I mean when I say I need my six when am still alive? When we all die your so called friends,carry the coffin, crying others saying he/she was a good friend,others fake tears,others happy that you have gone because somehow you where a burden to them. They will post your pictures on social media with "Beautiful captions" but all are fake because many even didn't know you