Proverbs 18:24 
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Let me get straight to the point,we all say and also do have friends. But how worth is the friendship? Are your friends willing to be with you at all times,the ups and downs?
I'd rather have few Friends that are willing and am also willing to sacrifice everything for rather than having "Friends". There only there because you have something that they want, something that is making you become there friend. But immediately you loose that thing,they also disappear.

What do I mean when I say I need my six when am still alive? When we all die your so called friends,carry the coffin, crying others saying he/she was a good friend,others fake tears,others happy that you have gone because somehow you where a burden to them. They will post your pictures on social media with "Beautiful captions" but all are fake because many even didn't know you. My six are the ones that where there in my time of happiness and distress,hard and soft times. They are very rare to find but if you have them you are very lucky. For instant call one of your friends late at night and tell them that you have a problem or you need them argently,see how many will turn up, through there response.

Friends are supportive, spiritually, mentally, physically, financially and also emotionally.
Don't fake your feeling, don't fake friendship, it's mutual you don't have to force it. Friends don't come and go, friends stick to each other. They say many people know you but very few understand you! Let that ring at the back of your mind.

To this day I pray that before you get or know your SIX, have Jesus as your first friend, draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. He is a true friend He never leaves unless you do. Stick to Him and you will know your true SIX. He is the Way,the Light and the Truth. Trust in Him and let Him show you the way. Your SIX will come along. 

Lord Jesus, Thank you for giving me such a vibrant community of friends to do life with. I praise you for the people you have blessed me with, the ones who have come alongside me to love, encourage, support, and uplift me through all the twists and turns of life. I'm so grateful that I do not have to go through life alone, but that you have shown me examples of your love through my dear friends.

I pray that you would be present in my friendships, that you would be drawing us together in deeper community with one another toward greater unity with you. I pray that you would help heal any places of brokenness or discord in my friendships, and that you would restore any friendships that have fallen apart.

Like your Word says in Colossians 3:12-13, may I clothe myself in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. May I be patient with my friends, and may I forgive freely like you have forgiven me. May I shine your light in my friendships, giving glory to you through all that I do, say, and think. Thank you for my friends, Jesus. Thank you for the ways they build me up and remind me of your goodness and faithfulness. In your name I pray, Amen.


John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.



aggy. said…
True... The number one constant in life should be God and for the rest, we figure them out by the help of the Holy spirit. Thank you for reminding us this today.

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