
Showing posts from 2022


We all have a day or days that we will never forget. Nights that bring terror in our minds, nights that give us sleepless nights. One night, a day, or even seconds might course you regrets, anger or pain jus because you never took precautions. Necessarily not even precautions but carelessness and not caring about the outcome. Today I want to encourage someone whose been addicted to any kind of addiction. Though today I want to talk about the most serious, deadly and far most dangerous addiction called SEX which some are very familiar with. This addiction is currently affecting our current generation leading in large numbers in our countries. There have been cases or rape, early pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and even Sexual Transmitted Diseases so called STDs and STIs. This has affected lot's of youths. Some because of money, food, in shot luxury. SEX has become a form of greetings where anybody can shake your hand. Today I'm here to give you a warning and also an encouragement. The B


  Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.       1 John 4:20‭-‬21 NIV Well I have questions for you my brother and sister; ✓ What is love? ✓ Who is God referring as Brother and sister?  ✓ Have You followed God's Command, To Love? ✓ How do you intend to fulfill God's Command of Love? ✓ Do you love your friends, parents, workmates, neighbors, enemies? Name them all. Well according to the Bible God loved as first.  We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 NIV.  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV. God loved me and you even before time even before you where conceived. I am happy today, to understand the true meaning of Love


Do you remember a game we used to play called hope,step and jump. We had an extender and he/she would jump and others would be excluded if they did not reach the extenders last mark, who used to jump big steps than the others. Well today I want you to apply the game in your life just by using the name of the game. HOPE,STEP & JUMP.  What is;  ✓Hope --- A felling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. Now in this case,the extender in the game hopes to be the only extender while the others also hope to be the extender. So the extender makes sure that he/she is not defeated. The others desire to to be like the extender. My dear friend be the extender of your life, your spiritual, physical, emotional and psychological life. Though we need others to push us but make sure your are the extender because you know your limits. You know where you can reach and not reach. ✓Step --- An act of movement of putting one leg infront of the other in walking or running


Ladies everywhere we turn love song and movies tell us to follow our heart. If tha was such good advice, then why does love often hurt so much? The pain and confusion caused by emotional abuse, deceit, manipulation and control can be traumatizing. If you've suffered in destructive relationships, God longs to heal your heart. Have you ever been seduced by a manipulator? Tricked and deceived by flattery and charm only to later discover that the relationship was built on lies? It’s devastating when all of a sudden affirmation and attention turn into criticism, angry outbursts or silent treatment and other mind games. What does God’s Word say about all of this? What does the Bible say about manipulation and emotional abuse? So often when I want to find out what scripture says about a certain topic I do a word search in an online concordance. But neither the word manipulation or the phrase emotional abuse are not used in the Bible.That happens a lot. When words that are comm


Proverbs 16;3 Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. Success is obedience to God, empowered by the spirit of God, motivated by love for God and directed toward the advancement of his kingdom. Most people think that they will get successful if the economy works or if they will win a lottery ticket. Your not going to be successful if you do not demand it, if you don't claim it and say this is mine. Success is your duty your Obligation and your responsibility. The brain is plastic that responds to change it responds to repetition and repetition is a slave to obsession. As Conor McGregor said, there's no talent here this is handwork this is an obsession.  Be obsessed with what you want to become a ranging fire, build your obsession it needs your time and attention. people need to know you for one major thing. He works. He produces. The guy is there everyday. He's pushing it harder.      Because no matter how good your ideas are, how your odds are


✓How did you cope up? ✓What have your experiences of Dating been? ✓How can you be more God-pleasing when you relate to the opposite sex? LISTEN; There's a difference between being IN LOVE and real love. Being in love {having string romantic feelings for someone} is wonderful. The problem is that we confuse it with REAL LOVE.  Do you know the difference? IN LOVE- Focuses on our own happiness, REAL LOVE- Focuses on the well-being of the other person. IN LOVE- Craves immediate satisfaction. REAL LOVE- Is patient and willing to sacrifice. IN LOVE- Wants pleasure and intensity. REAL LOVE- Seeks to grow in trust and Friendship. IN LOVE- Is a feeling, REAL LOVE is an act of the will. Anyone can be IN LOVE; but only a person who is emotionally And spiritually mature can really love. LEARN; ✓GOD IS LOVE ✓We should think again about how we go about dating.              # You don't need someone to be someone. #SpreadTheGoodVibe. #InspireYouth. #AJtheBoss99%