Do you remember a game we used to play called hope,step and jump. We had an extender and he/she would jump and others would be excluded if they did not reach the extenders last mark, who used to jump big steps than the others. Well today I want you to apply the game in your life just by using the name of the game. HOPE,STEP & JUMP. 
What is; 
✓Hope--- A felling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.
Now in this case,the extender in the game hopes to be the only extender while the others also hope to be the extender. So the extender makes sure that he/she is not defeated. The others desire to to be like the extender. My dear friend be the extender of your life, your spiritual, physical, emotional and psychological life. Though we need others to push us but make sure your are the extender because you know your limits. You know where you can reach and not reach.

✓Step--- An act of movement of putting one leg infront of the other in walking or running.
Now in this case if the extender makes a mistake of making a wrong step, then he/she might brake the leg or fall down and another extender will come through. When we upply this in our daily life, if we make wrong decisions, wrong choices, wrong moves, when we refuse to serve God then the time to recover will be totally lost and God will arise new people new extenders. Let's trust God in every step we make,every move and we will not slip or fall in that case. 

✓Jump--- To push yourself off a surface and into the air by using the muscles in one's legs and feet.
In that case anyone can jump, but how far can you jump? If you can't make your muscles work to push you make and make you jump far, if you can't make efforts to make a difference in your life to be infront then you can never be an extender. 

People work everyday to archive there goals, do you make any effort? Do you ask God for directions? Today I take this change to ask you to be an extender of your own life, with Hope, with every Step, and if you make a good step, then Far you will Jump. 

I loved the game and I love to admit that I was sometimes an extender though the competition was tough and stiff I never lost hope. 
My point is, Have faith in God, Trust Him, Trust His ways and through prayer you shall win. 

We all need to be successful in life, but the sad truth is that very few make efforts to make there dreams come true. The Bible say in John 14:6
6. Jesus answered, “I am(A) the way(B) and the truth(C) and the life.(D) No one comes to the Father except through me.(E) 
Now mark the word "I am", "The way", "The Truth", "The Life"  In Him we have the Way, In Him we get the Truth and In Him we get Life. What else do you need? 

Let Hope, Step and Jump Be part of our daily life, through Jesus Christ. 
You can never be an extender without others following you back, you need others for you to make it. People who will push you your limits. Love, respect and be kind to those behind you, for you don't know what tomorrow might bring.


                                                 HOPE, STEP & JUMP


Unknown said…
Great stuff!! Keep going Aj99%
Unknown said…
Wow amazing. To more grace Kinya

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