What are Stars? Definitions vary per person but if I was asked, I would say they are very tiny, shiny and glowing things.They are God's beautiful creation, making the sky very beautiful at night. I stargaze at times and there is no doubt that they are truly very beautiful and appealing to the eyes.

Okay, there are stars that shine brighter than others but they are all on the sky. The difference is; the actual brightness of the star & the actual distance of the star. If one is close then it very bright but others, since they are far from our eyes, are not that bright. And that's the difference there kinda dim. 

According to human nature, we see things with our physical eyes rather than our inner eyes;that's the spiritual part. And today I'll be happy to share with you the little I know. I hope this will help you understand how God wants you to see things, how He wants you to understand Him and His purpose in your life.

We all have a star in our lives,but many of us don't know that. And because the devil roams like a roaming lion,he will make sure that you never find your star, because he knows that when you find it,you will use it for the glory of God. The devil will use anyone: your friends,parents, brother, sister anyone only to make sure you never glorify God with your star (gift).

When Baby Jesus was born,the star in Jerusalem gave direction to the wise men where Jesus was. Which makes Stars a sign in our lives to show us direction,a path. But then Herod the King heard about the birth of Jesus after asking the wise men, he gave orders for every male child below 2 years to get killed so that he could preserve his kingship.Because the star had already shined,King Herod killed two thousand kids all for nothing in the aim of killing baby Jesus. Jesus was already gone with the parents. Similarly, Peninah would always laugh at Hannah, because she had no children, but because God is faithful and Hannah never stopped praying,God shined her star by giving her a son and Peninah was ashamed.

I want to challenge you today,there so many Herod(s) and Peninah(s) in our lives, they put fear in our lives,they make tireless efforts to ensure we never succeed in our lives, so that we never glorify God with our stars shinning. Are you seeking God? Are you sure you will win? 
On the other hand they make us hard, in this sense,they see that you can't make it but then if you trust in God and keep pushing and pushing they will be ashamed for they made us strong.

People will do anything to ensure you don't succeed, to make sure your star never shines, but when you seek God and your time comes,not even the devil will stop you from shinning. God has power over everything,seek him, draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Like the stars they shine according to there actual distance. If your close to God you will be the brightest star and vice versa.

Challenges are there in life,but how do you go about them? Ask God to show you your purpose so that you may rejoice and glorify His name.

Genesis 28:15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

Meditate upon the word of God,let it give you the strength to keep fighting until your star shines. You will be unique your enemies will be ashamed,your time is coming in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.



Unknown said…
Well Penned
Inspiring 😍😍

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